Compliance Services.
When starting off, you just need your taxes done. We have you covered.
As you grow, we can help structure your growth, your tax affairs and what to do if going overseas.
We can prepare financial statements for your business, lodge your tax and other returns with the ATO.
We can give you a heads up on what your tax bills may be over the coming 12 months. This way you can plan out any lump payments.
We can help you attract more capital by helping your investors obtain tax-breaks.
You can lean on us to help you navigate all the red tape.
Making sure you are properly structured is super important.
Your business structure can impact the amount of tax you pay, and the amount of profits that are available to reinvest into your business. Your business structure also impacts whether your hard-earned assets are protected or up for grabs in the event things go pear-shaped.
To ensure that this piece of the puzzle is right, we work will friendly start-up lawyers that can handle shareholder agreements, vesting agreements or anything else you need.
We understand the complexities surrounding digital investing and trading.
If you just need help to work out the tax impacts on your cryptocurrency trades, we have you covered. We have a comprehensive tax solution that efficiently captures, tracks, and calculates your crypto tax impacts.
Need some curly advice? We have got you here too, we work with some of Australia’s leading crypto tax lawyers.
We can do your books so that you have more time to focus on what matters. We will keep them current through our weekly bookkeeping service with email support. We will also take care of your BAS.
Investment and wealth
We can help you structure investments and wealth into vehicles that meet your goals.
You might want to establish a trust to allow your family to share in the spoils.
You might want to establish a self-managed superannuation fund because you desire more control over how your money is invested for your retirement.
Whatever the case may be, we can help you achieve your goals.
Getting payroll wrong can be bad for business. It may lead to all sorts of naughties with the regulators, dampen staff morale and worse of all, reputational damage.
Lean on us to help you unpack payroll.
Individual tax return
It is important to keep up to date with your taxes.
We can help you get the most out of your tax return and get it lodged on time.
At the end of each financial year, your business will need to prepare financial statements and lodge a tax return. We have you covered.
We will setup an annual tax planning session to keep you in the loop. From there, we will prepare your financial statements and tax return.
ESIC applications
If you are a start-up wanting to attract capital, then having your company designated as an Early-Stage Innovation Company (ESIC) is key to getting to that next level.
We can help lodge your application as an ESIC with the ATO.
Audit shield
Keeping your business compliant is a tough gig.
Audits and investigations occur from time to time. They can hurt, even more so when you have done the right thing. They are also stressful and demand a lot of your time and resources.
In the event of an audit or investigation we have your back. We can manage the whole process for you, so that you can focus on your business. We also work with Accountancy Insurance who cover you for our time costs.
Keeping ASIC happy by staying current with annual reviews and updates is super important too.
We have a solution that can help you remain current and up to date.